How to Stop Overthinking

When you give a problem, situation, or even a past event more thought than it requires, and it is doing you more harm than good, then you could be overthinking. There are many signs of an overthinker. Sleepless nights, incessant worrying, perfectionism, obsessing over things you can't control are just some of them. There are also many reasons why you overthink. But here we are going to discuss how to stop overthinking. If you consider yourself to be an overthinker, taking the following steps will help you immensely. Let's dive into it.

Close up face of unhappy asian pretty young woman sitting alone on couch

How to Stop Overthinking?

  • Taking professional help

First and foremost, if your overthinking has reached a stage where it is leading to other problems  such as anxiety and depression, it is advisable that you seek professional help. At this stage, thinking that you could treat yourself might not be the smartest idea. It is possible that there are other underlying problems that you are not aware of. A professional would be able to identify them and treat them accordingly.

If it is not that serious yet, then read on...

  • Breathing exercises

This is probably the easiest and most obvious step. When you catch yourself overthinking, take a deep breath and try to clear your mind. When you breathe deeply, your heartbeat slows down, making you more relaxed. It will benefit you even more if you make breathing exercises a part of your daily routine. You will have a calmer mind. Within a few minutes of deep breathing you should start feeling better.

  • Deciding quickly

One of the reasons why we overthink is that we take a long time analyzing the pros and cons of the decision we want to make but take no action at all. It is only when we prolong making a decision that we start overthinking. To combat the situation, try to make a decision as soon as possible. When you decide quickly, you won't have time to overthink. 

  • Sleeping on it

If it is something that you can not make a quick decision about, try sleeping on it. When we are sleeping, our mind becomes relaxed. When we are relaxed, it is then that we find solutions or even great ideas. The same is true for when we are taking a shower. People say that they get the greatest ideas when they are showering or when they are sleeping.

  • Being kind to yourself

Most often than not, you are much harder on yourself than others. It is because you see your flaws with a magnifying glass and are more critical of yourself. This definitely does not help your self-esteem in any way. What's more, the things that you are beating yourself up for might not be as big as you think they are. It is more probable that  you are perfect or near perfect in other people's eyes. So, be kind to yourself and allow yourself to make mistakes. You are also a human being. Practice self-compassion and acknowledge your successes to boost your self-esteem.

  • Considering other perspectives

The biggest mistake we make in our lives is that we try to see things from our own lens. We think that there is only one way of looking at things. But it is not. It gives more clarity when we try to consider other viewpoints as well. It could happen that we may be completely wrong and find a better solution when we look at it from another perspective. This way, we will also be able to take a rational decision.

  • Understanding Fear

It is vital that we understand if it is our intuition or our fear. Often what we believe to be our intuition is our fear. You may not want to make a decision of going to a new place and starting over because you are scared, not because you know that it won't work.

Another thing that you must check is whether your fears are rational or irrational. For example, if a fire breaks out in your house and you decide to run away because you are scared, is a rational fear. On the other hand, if you want a raise but fear talking to your boss about it, it is an irrational fear. Here, making a quick decision and acting on it immediately will help. Once you recognize your fears, embrace them if they are rational and try to get rid of them if they are irrational.

  • Practicing Mental Health Exercises

It is obvious that we need to strengthen our brains when we want to keep our mental health good. Practicing mental strength exercises like concentration exercises, meditation, yoga and mindfulness have proven to be highly effective. Try to focus on things that you can control, like your own emotions and reactions to situations. This will reduce your stress. Accepting that you can't control everything also helps. So, let go of your past and focus on your present.

  • Practicing self-care 

Make self-care a part of your lifestyle. People who practice self-care see themselves as a priority and take care of their physical and mental well-being. A healthy mind resides in a healthy body. So, exercise regularly, eat healthy food and take care of your mental health.

  • Journaling

Making journaling a habit is something that will make your life easier. Keeping things bottled up is not going to help you in any way. If it is not something that you can share with someone else, write it down. Journaling helps you to come out with your thoughts and feelings without the fear of being judged. It will also help you identify your negative thought patterns. When you are aware of your thought patterns, you have the ability to change them into more optimistic thoughts. You can even use your journal to be more affirmative and focus on the solutions.

  • Being Grateful

Last but not the least, be grateful. There are many out there who do not even have half a life as good as yours and maybe it is their dream to have a life like yours. So, in a way, you are living someone's dream. That's how special your life is. So, be grateful. When you are grateful, your blessings multiply. In addition, try to do something nice for someone. When you help others or do something that makes them happy, it reflects on you as well. You feel happy, light-hearted and content as well.


Most problems in your life can be solved by making a few changes in your lifestyle. Overthinking is also one of them. Incorporate some or all of the above things in your life and you should see a positive change in your life.
Although I have mentioned only a few steps, there are so many other things that you can do like taking a walk in the nature, listening to music, and keeping yourself busy with action that will leave you with no room for overthinking. Give them a try and see what works the best for you.


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