Effects of Overthinking

Overthinking is a term that has become all too common these days. Whether we are aware of it or not, we do it. Some people do it for a while or during particularly stressful times, others are habitual overthinkers. There are plenty of reasons of overthinking that could lead to a lot of issues, big and small. This ruins yours day and in extreme cases, your life. Effects of Overthinking When we start talking about the harmful effects of overthinking, the list could go on and on. Let us look at some of the consequences of overthinking. Affects your Problem-Solving Abilities The habit of overthinking often interferes with your problem-solving abilities. Problem-solving is the ability to look at a problem from the intention of solving it. But when you overthink, instead of focusing on the solutions, you keep dwelling on the problems. It creates a stress on you that messes with your rational thinking. It just keeps you stuck in the state of anxiousness. Overthinking ...