Laugh a Little

Image by According to a study, children laugh around 300-400 times a day, while an average adult laughs around 20 times a day. How sad is that! So, is it really surprising that most of us want to be a child again? Most children live their life unabashedly. They laugh out loud. They shout when they want to. They play when they feel like it and sleep when they want to. I know a lot of you will start saying, "But we have to earn and do the stuff that we as "adults" are supposed to. There's a term used by Gen Z for this, by the way, if you didn't know. It is called "adulting". I happened to learn it a few days ago. It basically means doing something more "responsible" like what an adult would normally do. For a better understanding of the term, kindly Google it. Yes, we need to be adults and do what adults are supposed to. But unlike what we have started adopting in our lifestyle these days, adults have a right to laugh as well. It is ...